Our Services

  • Adoption Grants

    Families who are adopting their child domestically or internationally can apply for a grant to help pay the adoption expenses. Click the button to learn more about grants and how to apply.

  • Support Scholarship for Adoptive and Foster Families

    We know there may be specific needs for your child and we would love to help. Click the button to get more information and to learn how to apply.

  • Post-Adoption Care and Counseling Grants

    The journey of adoption is extremely beautiful and also full of growth, trials and difficulties. We want to help your child and family thrive. We offer grants to help you access the resources you need for counseling, care and other interventions. Click the button to get more information.

Interested in adoption or foster care but don’t know where to start?

Recommended Resources

If you have more questions or need more resources, please reach out to us at hopethatbindsministries@gmail.com.

Interested in someone from Hope That Binds coming to speak to your group, church, or at your event? Please send us information here.