Why I Volunteer

"Hope that Binds played an important role in our adoption last year, and really sparked a God-given desire in me to give back and help the organization in any way I can! The love and support that was poured out on my family during our adoption process, was so amazing and such a gift! Giving back to Hope that Binds, through volunteer work, was an automatic response and such a joy for my heart!"

- Carlin Wolfe

"I volunteer for Hope That Binds because as a Christian I want to be the hands and feet of Jesus to help everyone that I possibly can and to share God's unfailing love. Hope That Binds is devoted to helping the orphans and adopting families through the love of Christ."

- Jasey Fleming

"I volunteer for Hope That Binds because it allows me to use the creative gifts that I have been given in a way that serves a purpose greater than me. I love serving alongside my friends and family who have a passion for adoption, and supporting those families dear to us that have been blessed by this miracle. Hope That Binds gives me the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of children that I would never have the chance to impact otherwise, and that is as much of a blessing to me as it is to them..."
- Jennifer Williams

“I had never given much thought to adoption. That is before one of my dear friends started the journey. I definitely had never thought about how adoption related to my own life through Christ. What began as praying a friend through some hard times, ended up showing me my true identity in my heavenly Father. I support Hope That Binds whole heartedly in hopes that I can show God’s love to others through this ministry.”

- April Jewell